
Three Ways to Know You Need a Home Electrical Safety Inspection

Electrical malfunctions lead to an estimated 43,000 home fires and cause more than $1 billion in damage across the nation each year. Making sure your home’s electrical system is safe and up to code couldn’t be more important. Here are three ways to know if your Sarasota, Florida, home needs an electrical safety inspection.

Purchasing a New Home

Before you go overboard and purchase a new home, hire an electrician to inspect the home’s wiring. A licensed electrician will make sure the wiring is up to code, from the basement to the attic. An electrical contractor also will examine wiring in hard-to-reach spots, such as crawl spaces, to confirm they connect correctly and can handle the electrical load they carry.

Adding a Major Appliance

Whether you live in an older home or a brand new one, installing a major appliance can have an impact on your home’s electrical system. If you plan to install a new dishwasher, HVAC system, washer, or other appliance that draws a significant amount of electricity, consider scheduling an electrical inspection. This will confirm whether your home can handle the new device, ensure the breaker box is correctly installed, and prevent frequently tripped breakers or blown fuses.

Aging Home

Florida predominantly has newer housing stock, and though older homes can have a great vintage appeal, those older than 40 years can also come with a host of problems. Developers generally build homes to meet or exceed the electrical standards of that time, which means older homes may not be built to contemporary standards.

If you live in an aging home with no documented electrical inspection, it’s in your best interest to have a professional electrical contractor do the job. An electrician can assess your home’s older wiring and confirm whether it’s still safe or whether you should consider electrical repair. A licensed electrician will also check your house’s grounding, which protects you and your family members from electrocution.

Do you any of these factors apply to you? Contact your electrical specialists at Luminous Electric today at to schedule an inspection.

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